Colony is a series of ceramic assemblies.
They are an analogy for my perception of
the constant evolution human society goes
through, as people gather, to adapt into
new habitats.
My interest in ceramic design evolved through the
years as an industrial designer. Design services
take ideas formed in a group into a final product.
Making my ceramic products results in turning my own
ideas into living objects.
The idea of Colony comes from the making of it.
from a lump of clay, revolving on the wheel,
each time one cylinder is detached and placed
in the assembly.

When humans move around the world, in many ways,
they are torn from their origins and placed in
a new environment. They either build their own
lives from pieces or help build a society relying
on others who might have already been there,
or might have come from other places.
My own experiences with immigration show me the two
aspects of colonization. One that is planned and the other
quite accidental and arbitrary. The Colony assemblies
reflaect that, in having structure and chaos embeded within
their presence.
The changes in the work as it goes through
the two stages of firing relate to the processes
of transition, anticipation, acceptance
and sometimes even rejection.
This Colony has participated in a group traveling exhibition
called BC in a Box. April 2006 was the last stop for this show at the Gallery of BC Potters.
Along with three of the Colonies, my T-Pot named Ha! has
participated in the 2006 Fraser Valley Potters Guild show.
This tea pot won an award of merit by Chris Staley of
Penn State University. Chris was in BC for a few workshops
and was invited by the guild to jury the show.
To view some more of my work check out